
Just A Second / Marcus Durant


Just a Second : Documentary


Client: Personal

Medium: Film / Documentary / Direction / Sound Design + Score

Application: Web Promotion

Artist: Marcus Durant



Marcus Durant is a talented Graphic Designer, Director, and overall 'Artist' living and working in NYC. He thrives in a world of music, and his character is one driven by passion and ambition to always think differently and achieve.

Marcus Durant's 'Just a Second' was filmed in the Fall of 2017. However, the interview was gathered through a series of text message conversation Marcus and I had about 'life' one night. As our text conversation continued I started thinking, 'this could be an awesome voice over for a documentary' -- so I started curating my responses in hope to pull something that could act as a base script for him to read, unannounced to him, a few months after.

Fast forward to the two days we spent filming in NYC. Everything from where he grew up in Jersey, to his place of work, to where he plays weekly basketball. Once we finished filming, we gathered all of the equipment in his NYC apartment and recorded the voice over just as it read on the text conversation we had a few months prior.

It's not my job to try and articulate exactly what the conversation was or is about, but I wanted to present the combination of the two, a visual conversation driven by true meaning, scripted by the artist himself.

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